About Aletheia

Aletheia (al ay `thi ah) [Greek Word (ἀλήθεια) for Truth]

who we are

We believe that God’s desire is to transform lives through revealing the truth about who He is, and who we really are in Christ. Not who the enemy has defined us to be. We have found that from encounters with the Living God, lies are exposed, strongholds are broken and Truth can be revealed. Gods desires his people to have full and transformed lives. Jesus not only offered salvation to those he encountered, he also healed and delivered them. Throughout scripture, people who encountered the Living God, were saved, healed and delivered. It is through authentic encounters with God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit that people are set free and one’s life cannot say neutral. It is our desire to mobilize God’s people to a life of freedom and outreach through the transforming power of Jesus Christ.

•  Aletheia is an inner-healing/deliverance ministry
•  Aletheia is Spirit-led and effective
•  Aletheia is able to uncover blocks in minutes instead of years through the workings of the Holy Spirit
•  Aletheia is a healing step into a transformed life in Christ read more

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